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Pseudo Class Handler

Since TenoxUI runs in DOM, there's no way to apply something like hover and focus directly, so we create some tweaks to make it happen using addEventListener method.

Currently, TenoxUI only support for hover and focus event.


You can add hover and focus prefix in every TenoxUI's class name, wether this is defined with type shorthand, utility classes, or just direct CSS properties or CSS variables.

With Type Shorthand

Here's simple red box and will turned into blue when hover:

Hover me!
<div class="bg-red hover:bg-blue box-100px center [transition]-300ms">Hover me!</div>

With Classes

Here's simple red box and will turned into blue when hover:

Hover me!
  classes: {
    background: {
      first: 'red',
      second: 'linear-gradient(to right, yellow, blue)'
<div class="first hover:second box-100px center">Hover me!</div>

Direct Properties

Here's simple red box and will turned into blue when hover:

Hover me!
  class="[--my-color]-blue hover:[--my-color]-red [background]-$my-color box-100px center [transition]-300ms"
  Hover me!

Released under the MIT License.