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The Basics


We will use @tenoxui/core, and default @tenoxui/property packages for this documentation, just to make sure you know the fundamental of this library from scratch.

@tenoxui/core is the core function that built TenoxUI. And @tenoxui/property is just basic predefined properties.

Fundamentally, TenoxUI is just a library that allows you to write CSS directly in your class name. And that includes all CSS properties and even variables as well.

By default, and without any configuration, you can write class names like this:

<div class="[width,height]-100px [background]-red [border-radius]-8px"></div>

And the generated style will equivalent to:

div {
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  background: red;
  border-radius: 8px;

But of course it's not very wise to write long class name like that. And there's coming type and property or can be called as shorthand.

Types and Properties Basic

You can define the type or shorthand inside option. Here's the example:

<div class="box-100px bg-blue br-8px"></div>
  property: {
    bg: 'background',
    br: 'borderRadius',
    box: ['width', 'height']

The class names now looks better, right? But what is property? property is an object where you can put your CSS properties or variables shorthands.

As you can see, we put bg as the shorthand of background property. And you can also define multiple properties as an array from single shorthand, like box for the shorthand of width and height at the same time.

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